Jo Mama's Cafe
Open Daily 7am - 2pm
Sunday 7am - Noon
Serves Beer + Bloody Mama's + Mama Mousa + MamaRita
Daily Homemade soups,
Biscuits + Gravy made from scratch
Over 85 menu choices
Sits over 70 Customers
Has Child's menu
Unique Views
Metal Stools
Coke themed room
Elvis Themed room
24/7 Self Serve ICE (10 pound bag price $3.00)

Our Food
The trek through the food service industry began for Tina at the ripe age of 14. She started working for Chmielewski Farm Market, an operation in Duelm, MN in the saint cloud area, spending long summer hours in the sun and heat weeding, harvesting and selling produce at the Chmielewski Farmer's Market. This was her summer job until she graduated from high school. She then started her inside work as a waitress at a Foley nightclub. She worked at several cafe's and bars, but it was at the age of 30 when she got a job at cheap Charlies in Rochester, Minnesota ( a place her mother had worked as a teenager ) that her passion sparked to own a cafe modeled after Cheaps that had generous helpings, Cheap pricing, and food made from scratch. When Tina's husband retired, and they moved to Spooner. Tina took a cooking job at West Point Lodge, learning the fine point of cooking from the owner Dawn Peterson. In 2015 when Jo Mamas became available, it was a no-brainer to purchase it and apply her skill and expertise using recipes she had learned. To fulfill her dreams. Her homemade tropify-winning soups, biscuits, and gravy from scratch and BBQ Sause from her grammas exiting recipe. While keeping prices down and serving many times more than you can eat, AND ITS DELICIOUS!

The Walt
Our most popular breakfast menu item is "The Walt." This dish got its name from a customer named Walt hastings. In the 80's he would come in almost every day and order the same thing, so obviously, it was fitting to name it the Walt. Most customers add a couple of eggs on top(pictured in the gallery). For ingredients and price, click on the menu.
Our secret recipe makes our pancakes light, fluffy, and delicious. Most customers say they are the best cakes they have ever tasted .for a special treat add blueberries or chocolate chips. A kid's favorite is the buddy bear pancake (see the picture in the gallery). It has bear ears and a smiley face. We also offer Potatoe pancakes and waffles. Plain or with fruit toppings. Click on the menu for more details.
Jo Mama Burger
We feature 11 hamburger choices, but our signature and the most popular burger is the 'Jo Mama burger" .it is a delicious full meal with a choice of soup, salad, or fries.